Permanent carbon removal
Using our food waste and sewage to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere
A hidden opportunity
Our secret sauce: Unlike solutions which try to capture CO₂ from low-concentration sources, we target point emissions that are more or less pure CO₂.
It’s crazy, isn’t it, that pure CO₂ is released into the atmosphere despite our climate crisis?
We take that CO₂, liquefy it, transport it, and store it for 1000+ years.
Step By Step
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It starts with the carbon in our food waste
Plants capture CO₂ from the air in order to grow.
If the plants are left to rot, that carbon is released back into the atmosphere as CO₂.
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Biogas plants process our food waste and out comes pure CO₂
Thousands of biogas plants around the world turn food waste, sewage, and manure into renewable energy. This energy takes the form of biomethane and is used to heat houses, power buses, and replace fossil fuels.
Because our waste is carbon-rich, CO₂ is a natural byproduct from the process.
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The CO₂ is captured, liquefied, transported, and stored for 1000+ years
Until now, biogas plants have released the byproduct CO₂ straight into the air.
This is where we come in: We ensure the concentrated CO₂ is captured, liquefied, and transported to permanent, geological storage.
Scalable & high-quality carbon removal that simply makes sense
We meet all of McKinsey & Company’s eight quality drivers for carbon removal solutions.
No leakage
Monitoring, reporting, and verification
Counted only once
No net harm
Read more about how to assess carbon removal solutions.
Yes, we do!
The standard from the The Science-Based Targets Initiative requires carbon removal to be permanent.
Our solution meets this requirement as we partner with geological storage locations to store the carbon dioxide for 1000+ years.
The CO₂ Removal Certificates are issued through the Puro Registry and third party verified. is accredited by the International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance (ICROA), and companies like Microsoft and Yara work with
Each and every project to remove carbon is independently verified and monitored.
We’re a project developer across the complex stakeholder landscape.
We discovered that big actors, like the storage provider Equinor, don’t want to spend time entering contracts with each individual biogas plant.
Our role is to engage biogas plants, transportation companies, storage providers, monitoring and verification companies, and financing sources to make carbon removal happen.
Buy carbon removal credits
Learn more. We’re here to guide you through the permanent carbon removal market.